Five Apps to Ease Your Stress and Anxiety

4.  Calm – Meditate, Sleep, Relax by, Inc.

Side view of meditating woman sitting in pose of lotus against blue sky outdoors

The name of this app says it all – you’ll breathe a sigh of relief from the moment you open Calm. The screen fills with a scene of your choice – you can choose from Mountain Lake, Sunset Beach, Rain on Leaves, and many, many more. Simply sitting back and watching one of these moving scenes, taking in the sounds and sights, can be incredibly calming. It really feels like a tiny holiday, wherever you are.

There’s much more to the app than just this, however.Upon clicking the ‘Meditate’ button, you’ll be presented with a list of different meditation programs. The seven day program is free to use, and provides you will an easy to follow guided meditation program. Don’t worry if you’ve never tried meditation before – this app is perfect for beginners. Meditation is proven to reduce stress and anxiety, and increase mindfulness in everyday life.

If you enjoy the taster program, you can pay to access a whole host of other specially tailored programs, including ‘Calming Anxiety’, and ‘Emergency Calm’ – perfect if anxiety strikes when you’re away from home. Other programs aid sleep, concentration, compassion, and confidence, all of which can reduce stress and anxiety levels in your personal and professional life.
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